Home Asia Dangerous liaisons

Dangerous liaisons

por: 4ASIA
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Traducción: Isabel Gacho Carmona.- The current European Union-China relation need to be understood as strategic partners, but also by the tensions that have emerged from the Chinese interest to invest in European key infrastructure and by the reluctance of the Huawei technology company in regard with cybersecurity. Th last one is the most emphasized aspect by the experts.

The forced transfer of technology to China, the industrial subsidies that Beijing maintains or the difficulties in recognizing the protection of European geographical indications are some of the issues that complicate the relation, as argued from Brussels.

It is not easy for the EU to face the challenge this situation arises. China has in its hands part of the debt of European countries and, at the same time, European countries have important economic interests in the Chinese market. There are multinational companies, some Spanish, by the way, that downplay the technological danger by highlighting the theoretical profitability of Chinese products and pressure governments to not make drastic decisions.

Today the concept of sovereignty has changed, although it has not been abolished. National interests exist and gain importance with new instruments at their service, but, at the same time, in some European countries they turn a deaf ear to this fundamental issue and only resolving it and establishing doctrine in this regard we can make big decisions, establish priorities, choose allies and assess risks. That is still pending.

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