por: 4ASIA
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The new appointment between political and military leaders of the two Koreas in the border area of Panmunjom is far from anecdotal. In the midst of the uproar and propaganda actions, the fact that the two countries keep their agenda and move forward on bilateral issues is good news, even though they are closely supervised by China and the United States. And we must keep in mind that this tutelage is never absolute, and that each country has a margin of autonomy that, in turn, conditions the strategies of its backers.

The current bilateral relationship, unthinkable a few months ago, although not without risks and shocks, has probably opened some irreversible processes. In this case, it is South Korea who assumes greater responsibility. It must give answers and explanations to its citizens like any democratic country, it must maintain serenity and firmness with an erratic United States president from whom they shouldn´t distance themselves very much and, at the same time, build better regional alliances.

The agenda is not exactly known, but undoubtedly the denuclearization, the opening of new processes of commercial exchange, the study of the problem of separated families and new gestures to visualize that there is a credible project in progress will be on the table. These bilateral advances are not going to solve the problem, but they can be an anchor for the great process to be consolidated. (Traducción: Isabel Gacho Carmona)

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